Equine Reproduction Facebook Group

Equine Reproduction Facebook Group: Subject Description

The Equine Reproduction Facebook Group describes itself as a place to discuss “Collecting, evaluating, cooling/freezing and shipping of semen; artificial insemination, embryo transfer, and stallion and mare infertility issues are all topics you can expect to see on the list. Please note that genetics discussion (such as color genetics) is not considered suitable for this group, as genetics is too large a subject and is deserving of a list of its own!”


EquineRepro on Yahoo!

In 1998 the e-mail list “EquineRepro” on what was then “OneList” was created. With a free subscription, the membership list was soon growing! In the years since, “OneList” was bought by “E-Groups” and then “Yahoo!” and the e-mail list became known as EquineRepro@yahoogroups.com. That list grew to over 3,300 subscribers – a sizeable number at that time for an e-mail list – and became the largest equine reproduction e-mail list on the Internet!. With over 46,000 messages posted since its creation, there was an amazingly wide variety of topics discussed!

Eqrepro Facebook Group LogoTimes however change… As social media – and particularly Facebook – became more widely accepted, and “Groups” became popular, Equine-Reproduction.com recognized that this medium was rapidly overtaking e-mail as a popular means of subject discussion. In addition to a more widespread degree of access, it also offered the ability to post images of matter under discussion, something that was becoming increasingly problematic with e-mail because of security risks. As a result, in March of 2013 we started a Facebook “sister page” to the Yahoo list, which can be found at EquineRepro on Facebook. The Facebook Group has now superseded the e-mail list (Yahoo closed e-mail groups in 2019) and itself has around 15,000 members which include more than 1,000 veterinarians, along with Internationally-renowned researchers and other specialists.

More Details About Subject Matter and Behaviour

Because of the large number of subscribers, discussion is kept strictly “on topic”, with no advertising of items such as stallions at stud or horses for sale, and good polite behaviour is mandatory. Anyone incapable of following these requirements is removed. The discussion centers around the reproductive processes, with only a small amount related to some of the more unusual aspects of pregnancy and foaling permitted. Although this sounds as though it is highly restrictive, and could result in a very tedious “straight” environment, it has resulted in one of the friendliest and consistently useful Internet locations one could imagine, which is remarkably free of both unpleasant “flaming” and other bad behaviour – a claim which sadly all too few Internet groups or lists are able to make! Non-commercial advertising of used breeding equipment is permitted, although such posts are not overbearing in presence. Subscribers to the Facebook Group are evaluated for suitability prior to approval of the application in order to avoid “spammers” as much as possible. These measures have so far kept the group “clean” and free of annoyances for the most part – and the few problems that have arisen have been quickly resolved!

How To Subscribe:

Eqrepro Facebook Group Logo
To subscribe to the Facebook Group, you need to have a Facebook profile and while logged in go to: EquineRepro on Facebook and follow the directions.